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business visa and passport app

business visa and passport app


general travel guidance

Use appropriate judgement when considering travel for business purposes. If you are required to travel for business, please familiarize yourself with basic travel guidance:

  • Always remain vigilant of your surroundings throughout the duration of your trip
  • Take time to familiarize yourself with any possible travel advisories for the region you are visiting
  • Travel with your corporate credit card, local currency and/or AMEX prepaid debit card or its equivalent
  • Do not carry large sums of cash
  • Before going abroad, notify your personal bank and credit card companies of your travel, and check exchange rates for your destination
  • Dress inconspicuously and avoid displaying jewelry or valuables
  • Keep your bags with you at all times
  • Program your phone with the relevant contact information for your hotel, local security contact, Global Security contact, emergency contact, and the embassy/consulate in the area
  • Refrain from giving strangers personal information and do not discuss the reasons for your travel
  • Make sure your passport has enough validity for your destination as many countries require at least 6 months
  • Avoid travelling and walking at night if possible
  • Be sure to make copies of important documents like your passport, drivers license, or other forms of identification
  • Allow only authorized personnel to handle your baggage
  • Carry your company laptops or technology with you and do not put them in checked baggage
  • Travel with a portable power supply when possible to ensure your device has sufficient power throughout your journey
  • In the event of a security incident, move away – not toward – the potential threat

general medical guidance

  • Consider scheduling a travel health consultation for advice on how to stay healthy while traveling in your destination country.
  • Bring an ample supply of medication to cover you for your trip, and if possible, a few extra days in case of emergency
  • If you have been prescribed drugs, carry a letter from your attending physician that describes the medical condition and any prescription medications, including their generic name
  • Check with the foreign embassy of the country you are visiting to make sure the medications are allowed in the country
  • Be sure you are appropriately vaccinated for your specific destination
  • If you are traveling to a region where there is risk for malaria, take your malaria prevention medication before, during, and after travel

health and medical travel advisory and guidelines

  • Travelers should comply with local BU expectations and processes as well as relevant health authority guidelines.
  • Travelers should check government advisories for up-to-date requirements placed on travelers by departure and/or destination.
  • Expatriates authorized to remobilize to their assignment host location will receive location-specific guidance and instructions from host country HR and their Global Mobility Specialist.
  • International travelers are encouraged to seek a pre-travel consultation with the local Chevron medical clinic if available, or their personal medical provider if not.
  • Contract workers should follow their contractor company’s guidance and associated processes.

hotel security guidance

  • Where possible, book your hotel stay using the Chevron CTREX system at a preferred hotel
  • Review the hotels evacuation and emergency response plan
  • Locate the nearest emergency exit to your room
  • Avoid booking a room facing a busy street or at ground level with windows
  • If possible, book a room on a higher floor where there is less risk of break-ins
  • Keep your room door and all windows locked and bolted while you are in the room
  • Lock valuables in the hotel safe when you leave the room
  • When reserving a hotel, make sure it has security personnel 24 hours a day

vehicle security guidance

  • If you are traveling to a destination where employees can rent a car, reserve a car that blends in and does not stand out
  • Before leaving the rental facility, confirm that everything is in good working order
  • Practice defensive driving measures
  • If possible, rent a car with central power door locks and windows
  • While driving, be sure all doors are locked to avoid any snatch-and-grab scenarios
  • Do not leave valuables unattended in the car
  • If you are in a taxi, do not share personal information about your business trip with your drive
  • If you are using Uber or Lyft, match the license plate on the car to the app, confirm the driver’s name, and share your trip with someone

travel advice for females

  • Observe and respect local clothing customs
  • Prioritize security in your choice of transportation
  • Avoid wearing headphones, talking on the phone, or texting when commuting
  • Wearing a wedding ring, even a fake one, can reduce levels of unwanted attention
  • Ignore suggestive comments